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Morphogenesis, 2019xarenos2024-02-04T16:55:23+00:00
Morphogenesis, 2019
Pigment ink printing
Photographic diptych
42 x 30 cm. y 42 x 62 cm.
Ed. 3 + 2 A.P.
The book Colectividades libertarias en España (1977) (Libertarian collectivities in Spain) by Gaston Leval has been selected because it is a bibliographical reference on collectivisations, and also because this particular copy has been literally eaten by silverfish. One of the most affected parts corresponds to the illustration on the cover, which shows a voucher with a drawing of a man waving the libertarian flag of the CNT-FAI (1). The insects’ savagery with the image could be interpreted as a metaphor for the erasure of an exceptional period in history, but also as a deconstruction of its meaning. In fact, if we magnify the flag with a magnifying glass, we see particles, folds and strata that form a kind of map or unknown atlas that contrasts the ideal, harmonious and utopian world dreamt of by anarchism with the defect, dysfunction and imperfection of the atopic.
(1) These vouchers were issued during the Spanish Civil War by local revolutionary committees, mostly anarchist, as a substitute for money.
Theoretics of bread
Rosa Santos Gallery. Valencia. From 20 September to 22 November 2019.
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