Red and white tensegrity, 2016

375 x 35 x 35 cm. each column. Wood, iron and cable.
Approximate total surface area: 170 x 450 x 220 cm.

The Spanish Pavilion of 1937, due to its extraordinary architectural quality and its political, social and cultural content, can be understood as a total work of art or Gesamtkunstwerk, as it summarises in itself the best of the revolutionary utopia of the Popular Front.

Red and White Tensegrity is composed of three red and white columns identical to those that supported or supported the Pavilion, but inclined and tensioned by means of cables. The shapes of the intertwined columns and their colours resemble a constructivist composition.


Presence and Absence
G6 Gallery. IVAM. Valencia. From 26 January to 7 May 2017.